
Welcome to Executive Function: The Foundation of Almost Everything. Many of the academic and behavioral challenges that students demonstrate in the classroom can be traced to lagging development of executive function.

This course provides a look at eight executive functioning skills: working memory, impulse control, emotion control, cognitive flexibility, self-monitoring, organization, planning and prioritizing, and task initiation. Each section explores the difficulties experienced by someone with a deficit in that skill then provides accommodations to support these students and strategies to help build the skills.

Each section has guiding questions for you to consider as you study the executive function, notes, and next steps for you to take to implement accommodations and strategies in your classroom.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Participants will be able to recognize the impact of deficits in executive functioning skills on academic achievement and behavior.
  2. Participants will develop a menu of accommodations they can implement to support learners with executive function difficulties.
  3. Participants will possess a toolkit of strategies to build executive functioning skills in their children and students.

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