How this course works

How this course works:

When you register, you'll have access to the first Introductory chapter. Log in and complete your first deliverable at any time before the course officially opens on May 6, 2018.

Once the course officially opens, you can log in to Chapter 1 and watch the video(s) and read the resources shared. We will go live at least once each week to talk about what we're learning in that chapter and any other questions you may have related to that chapter or the ones previous. These live sessions will be a lot of Q&A, self-reflection, and challenges for taking it to the next level as we continue to grow your classroom into a full PBL environment. Each live session will be archived and available to view at any time afterward.

Each Sunday morning, a new chapter will drop and you will have instant access to start that chapter. We'll continue in that fashion until the course is over.

Of course you'll have access to this course always, even after you're finished. So if life happens in the middle of the course, or if you have to pause at one section, that's ok. Try to keep up because the live sessions are so valuable, but we understand life happens!

Live Session Dates:

  1. May 6, 13, *21, 27 at 8:30pm Central time
  2. June 3, 10, 17, *28 at 8:30pm Central time
  3. July 1, 8:30pm Central time

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!

[email protected] or connect on our Practicing PBL Facebook group!

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